
Lit Code App 🔥


Design and developed a Flutter app for practicing and keeping track of coding questions across platforms

Pearls of silky soft white cotton, bubble up under vibrant lighting

LitCode App: A Journey in Mobile App Development

November 2022 - February 2023

I am proud to share my experience and work on the LitCode App project. The LitCode App is a mobile application aimed at helping users learn algorithms and data structures, and prepare for their coding interviews. The project was an exciting opportunity for me to grow as a software developer and challenge myself to create a functional, user-friendly app.

Design and Programming with Dart and Flutter

The LitCode App was designed and programmed using the Dart programming language and Flutter framework. I used the Dart programming language to write the code that powers the app, and the Flutter framework to build the user interface. With its hot reload feature, Flutter made it easy to iterate quickly on the app’s design and user interface, and I was able to get instant feedback on the changes I made to the code.

State Management with BLoC Pattern

One of the biggest challenges I faced while developing the LitCode App was managing its state. To overcome this challenge, I implemented the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern as the state management system for the app. The BLoC pattern allowed me to make the app more modular, testable, and maintainable, making it easier for me to manage its state and add new features in the future.

Encouraging User Progress with Analytics and Statistics

To encourage users to track their progress and achieve their learning goals, I implemented a variety of statistics and analytics features into the LitCode App. These features include confidence levels, activity heat maps, and progress tracking. These features provide users with the information they need to monitor their progress and stay motivated.

Secure and Accessible Data Storage with Firebase and Hive

Data storage and retrieval are critical components of any app. To ensure that user-generated data was stored securely and could be easily accessed across multiple devices and platforms, I integrated Firebase real-time database with API calls. I also utilized Hive for local storage, which increased the accessibility and retrieval of user data across multiple devices.


Working on the LitCode App project was a valuable learning experience for me. I was able to apply my technical skills and work with a team of talented individuals to create a functional and user-friendly app. I am proud of what we were able to accomplish, and I look forward to continued growth and development in my career as a software developer.


Version 2 - Work in progress

Dark ThemeLight Theme
App ScreenshotApp Screenshot
App ScreenshotApp Screenshot
App ScreenshotApp Screenshot